maandag 29 oktober 2018


This story is about a princes. We diden't gona say her name, than it looks more like a princes. Also we don't gona put pictures in this book becouse we want that you see the story as a movie in your head. So this is how the princes is: se has very long blond hair and there are waves in her hair. Se has beautiful ful lips and clear bleou eyes. Her clotes are most of the time a short to her knees and a big comforteble shirt. When there is a party her clotes are a wite nigt gown. Her parents are a very clasic king and quin out storys. They love their daughter very much! Oké that was inoff information. Lets start with the story.

Have fun!

Een paar dagen geleden schreef ze deze inleiding. De Engelse woorden beginnen in haar mond te passen, de spelling blijft zo verdomd moeilijk. Een week later schrijft ze verder. Wat gaat het snel, elke dag krijgt ze nieuwe woorden onder de knie. 
 Once upon a time their was a butifule princess. She loved to help other people and reign. Many people liked her not only because she was so butifule, also because she played like a normel persen with kids and with animals. Of corse she got bodygards! But she olway's made a plan for leve them in the castle. Of corse she got parents, she spend olso many thimes with them. Sometimes her parents were a littlebit scare about when their daughter leve their home without bodyguards. So they give their a telephone. They explained how it works. The next day the princes ses to her parents when she arived. She also send a masage when she came home.

Ik weet niet goed of ik haar op alle spelfouten moet wijzen. Dat is zo demotiverend en remt ook alle fantasie af! Ze zal het op school wel leren, denk ik, en ik duid enkel op veel voorkomende foutjes bij vaak voorkomende woorden. Olso, for example. Ze verbetert hier en daar en zegt dan dat ik moet schrijven. Zij dicteert.

The day after and the week after she discovered all the things she can do with her telephone. She asked the phonenumbers of her friends. The next day she didn't go outside to play with her friends, but she chatted with them. But her friends didn't answer her questions, because they were playing outside with the animals of the princess. The situation stayed like that for one week. But the next week the princess got a pretty good idea. She wanted to take black-and-white pictures of her animals. She said to her bodyguards: 'Make those children leave my garden!' The bodyguards did it, and the friends did it because they didn't want troubles. And the princess took the pictures.

Wanneer ik aan het avondeten begin, neemt ze de pen weer over.

She was not very popular on messenger because on messenger were only very old people. That was when she was jonger. Now she is two years older. 

En zie, het verhaal gaat plots vooruit en de spelling ook alweer. Becose. Because.